Martin began conducting while still at school, and later studied conducting with Laslo Heltay.
He is best known as the founder and first conductor of Christchurch’s chamber choir, the Jubilate Singers. As a freelance conductor, and has worked with a number of groups including the Christchurch city choirs, University Choirs and orchestras, the Christchurch Symphony Orchestra and church choirs (for 13 years he served as Director of Music at St Barnabas Church, Fendalton.) He has a particular passion for opera, and has been chorus master and Assistant Music Director for various Canterbury Opera productions. He has also conducted numerous chamber operas for the UC 'Platform' Festivals, including Menotti's 'The Telephone' and 'The Medium', Pergolesi's La Serva Padrona, Chabrier's 'Une éducation manquée' and Anthony Ritchie's opera 'The God Boy' |
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