Dr J. Butz, Musikverlag |
Reviews of Wedding March Extraordinaire:
"The march, which weaves in all the typical wedding music themes, makes a wonderful concert encore" [Kirchenmusik im Bistum Osnabrück 48/2015] "Setchell's intention not only to make the audience smile, but also to laugh, is guaranteed!" [Musica Sacra 6/2015] |
Freshly launched amid giggles galore: a wonderful new version of the Wedding March. Well, at least two of the well-known ones! Martin has come up with his own Wedding March Extraordinaire, now published by Dr J. Butz in Bonn under the title Hochzeitsmarsch Extraordinaire for organ solo. See how many tunes you can spot in this parody which a bride may - or may not - want to use for the big day. Still a great deal of fun and makes a jolly surprise component for a recital.
Available from Butz Music Publishers |
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